by Alabama Possible | Aug 4, 2017 | Jobs
Alabama Possible is seeking to hire a qualified individual to serve as a part-time poverty simulation coordinator based in Birmingham. Poverty is not a game. It’s everyday life for the 900,000 Alabamians, including 300,000 children, who live below the federal poverty...
by Alabama Possible | Jul 27, 2017 | Cash for College, FAFSA, Financial Aid
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (July 24, 2017) – More Alabama students and families accessed financial aid to pay for college, ranking Alabama ninth nationally for its increase in Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) applications over the past year. According to the...
by Alabama Possible | Jul 21, 2017 | College Success
Filling out the FAFSA will help you pay for college. You need it for financial aid and many scholarships. Use this quick Q&A guide to learn more about the FAFSA so you can get as much cash for college as possible. Q: What is the FAFSA? A: FAFSA stands for...
by Alabama Possible | Jul 18, 2017 | datasheet
By Jeremy L. Arthur As a fifth-generation Alabamian, I am proud to call Alabama home. I am proud of the success stories of job creation, international investment, innovation, and world-class research right here in Alabama. My pride in Alabama also comes with a...
by Alabama Possible | Jul 10, 2017 | data, datasheet Alabama is 6th poorest state in nation; poverty rate at 40 percent in some counties Alabama is the sixth poorest state in the United States, according to a new report by an Alabama nonprofit. About 18.5 percent of Alabamians live below the federal poverty...
by Alabama Possible | Jun 20, 2017 | datasheet
Nearly 900,000 Alabamians live below the poverty line, which is just $24,257 a year for a family of four. Today, Alabama Possible released its 2017 Alabama Poverty Data Sheet highlights statewide poverty rates and data related to educational attainment, employment,...
by Alabama Possible | Jun 19, 2017 | Cash for College, College Success, data, Engaged Learning, Higher Education Alliance, Uncategorized
At the second annual Cash for College Alabama celebration at Trenholm State Community College on June 8, educators from around the state gathered to celebrate creating a college-going culture in Alabama. Willietta Ellis Connor, education specialist at the Alabama...
by Alabama Possible | Apr 6, 2017 | Uncategorized
Junior students from Phil Campbell High School took a trip on March 22 to the Northwest-Shoals Community College (NW-SCC) Phil Campbell campus. This trip signified the culmination of the students’ participation in the Blueprints program. During the campus visit,...
by Alabama Possible | Apr 4, 2017 | Blueprints, Cash for College, College Success
The FAFSA’s (Free Application for Federal Students Aid) IRS Data Retrieval Tool is down until October 2017 according to The U.S. Department of Education. The IRS Data Retrieval Tool allows for a direct, electronic transfer of processed tax information from the IRS...
by Alabama Possible | Mar 28, 2017 | College Success, food security, Higher Education Alliance
By April Davis, AmeriCorpsVISTA Hunger is not a rite of passage. Yet nearly half of college students face the risk of hunger, according to the study Hunger on Campus. “These students are not the archetypical ‘poor college student,’ who spend too much...