Alabama Possible removes barriers to prosperity through research, engaged learning, poverty simulations, and promoting college access and success. We build capacity and nurture reciprocal community partnerships to ensure that our research-driven work is effective and sustainable. We support and create educational equity through the following program areas:
Alabama College Attainment Network
The Alabama College Attainment Network (Alabama CAN) supports Success Plus by breaking down barriers to increase college readiness, access, and completion in Alabama. Learn more.
Alabama Goes to College
Alabama Goes to College equips Alabamians with tools and relationships so that every student can plan for, pursue, and complete valuable postsecondary credentials.
Most career pathways require college credentials including technical certificates and academic degrees. Alabama Goes to College provides resources for students and families to explore college options, find financial aid resources, and successfully transition from high school to college. Learn more.
Barriers to Prosperity Data Resources
We compile and summarize our research on poverty, educational attainment, employment, and food security annually through the Barriers to Prosperity Data Sheet and Dashboard. Learn more.