
Why are women more likely to be poor?

March 8th, 2011 This International Women’s Day, we’re highlighting our resources and research on women in poverty. Did you know: In Alabama, nearly half of female-headed households with children live in poverty – Alabama Poverty Project 2010 Datasheet Women earn only...

How to end poverty? Teach second graders to read.

February 17th, 2011 We talk a lot about reciprocal, relationship-based service as a way to increase educational attainment and fight poverty. Our Higher Education Alliance does this through service-learning with local schools, our faith partners do it through...

Join the childhood nutrition discussion

February 10th, 2011 Michelle Obama celebrated the first anniversary of Let’s Move! yesterday on the Today Show. Let’s Move! is a national campaign that promotes healthy, active lifestyles for American kids. After her Today Show appearance, Mrs. Obama spoke at a church...

Mobile faith communities network to fight hunger

February 2nd, 2011 Seven months after we visited Mobile for our Hunger Workshop last June, friends there are continuing to make huge strides in fighting hunger. Oak McCullough of the Bay Area Food Bank spoke about their innovative emergency food distribution programs....