
Rural Studio and the Architecture of Decency

June 7th, 2010 Yesterday, the American Public Media program Speaking of Faith re-aired a 2007 show about our partner Auburn University’s Rural Studio – a project in which architecture students plan and construct affordable, sustainable buildings in Hale County,...

Update on our first semester of Blueprints

May 28th, 2010 Check out this video of our mentors from the University of Montevallo and Judson College talking about their first semester of mentoring with Blueprints: I am so impressed with the hard work, dedication, and enthusiasm of our Blueprints mentors,...

Civics: beyond high school

May 25th, 2010 Here at APP, we talk a lot about civic engagement. What is civic engagement? Being involved in your community. Unfortunately, it’s more rare today than ever.  Stephen Black, founder of IMPACT Alabama, spoke about this phenomenon during ourAmeriCorps...

A state free of hunger

May 21st, 2010 Imagine a state free of hunger. Impossible? Think again. We believe we can end hunger and food insecurity in Alabama if we all work together. That’s why we’re hosting Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread: Feeding God’s Children – A Hunger and Food Security...