
Alabama students struggle with reading

November 23rd, 2009 A new report from the Birmingham News finds that 130 public high schools either failed reading or were clas­sified as “borderline” fail­ing, based on 11th-graders’ performance on the Ala­bama High School Gradua­tion Exam.  As if that isn’t bad...

College Success Tips from the Bronx Princess

November 17th, 2009 Rocky, aka the Bronx Princess, is a New York teenager who also happens to be a Ghanaian princess.  She was the subject of the PBS POV program “The Bronx Princess,” which was filmed during the summer between high-school and college and aired in...

Calling all graphic designers and artists!

November 16th, 2009 Are you looking for an artistic outlet to design and create? Do you have the desire to impact social change with your artistic abilities? Are you creative and enjoy designing logos? If so, then this contest is for you! We are sponsoring a logo...

When there isn’t enough food on the table

November 13th, 2009 Sometimes my weeks have a theme, and this week’s theme is definitely hunger.  As we hear up for Thanksgiving and the holiday season, I guess we are all thinking about those families who struggle to put food on the table. The Greater Birmingham...

Veterans and Poverty: Gender and age matter

November 11th, 2009 On this Veteran’s Day, I thought I would look at how military service impacts economic security. According to the Census Bureau, poverty is low among veterans. Only 5.6 percent of veterans lived in poverty in 1999 – or about half the rate for all...

Families, Freedom & Faith

November 10th, 2009 Next Wednesday, November 18, Reform Immigration for America is hosting Families, Freedom & Faith, a national telephonic town hall.  The call starts at 7 p.m. CST and will be led by Rep. Luis Gutierrez. Please consider hosting a listening party...

Why We Need Health Care Reform

November 6th, 2009 The Center for American Progress put out interesting state-by-state fact sheets based on current Census data showing how our current health care system doesn’t meet our needs. Check out Alabama’s fact sheet here I will be in Perry County on Saturday...

Taking the most from those who have the least

November 5th, 2009 A new study from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities shows that Alabama families living in poverty pay higher income taxes than in any other state. In the 2007 fiscal year, the average of state and local taxes collected per person in Alabama...

Help make sure Alabama counts

November 2nd, 2009 The US Census Bureau is gearing up for next year’s big count and APP hopes that you and nonprofits that you support will get involved. 2010 Census data will determine how much federal funding Alabama receives, set priorities for infrastructure...