
The supplemental measure of poverty (webcasts)

September 29th, 2010 In the wake of new poverty data released last week (“More in Alabama in Poverty, Census data shows” – Birmingham News), the Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity posted two webcasts about how the supplemental poverty measure may provide a more...

2010 Lifetime of Learning conference

September 20th, 2010 We learned so much from our Higher Education Alliance partners at this year’s Lifetime of Learning conference at Auburn University Montgomery. This year’s subject was college access, student retention and service-learning. Dr. Barbara Moely of...

Alabama ranked 9th in poverty statistics

September 16th, 2010 16.6 percent of Alabamians lived in poverty last year, according to newly released 2009 US Census Data. This puts us ninth in nationwide rankings of poverty rates. During that same time, 25.8 percent of children in Alabama lived in households...