
High school graduates grow our economy

July 20th, 2010 We’ve often talked about how Alabama’s high school dropout rate hinders economic development. Developers look for skilled workers when choosing new work sites. An under-educated workforce is bad not only for recruiting new business, but for growing all...

Gulf Coast Oil Spill: What we can do

July 19th, 2010 As the Gulf Coast oil spill catastrophe has dragged on for months, the APP team has been wondering what we could possibly say about something that has so radically impacted our beautiful coast, our fishing and tourism industries, and the people...

Road trip: Monroeville

July 16th, 2010 After reporting on the 50th Anniversary of To Kill A Mockingbird last week, fellow VISTA Will Thomas and I decided to take a road trip down to Monroeville to check out some of Friday night’s festivities. We pulled into town at around 5 pm to find a...