
December 30th, 2010

The clock is ticking. We have less than 2 days left to reach our goal.

Fightress supports APP. Can you? Click here to donate now.

I’m so grateful for all the support we’ve received this year. In these tough economic times, faith partners and individual donors like you have given over $19,000! We’re blown away that you helped us make up our budget shortfall so quickly.

Our new goal is to reach $20,000 by tomorrow night. Your gift today will ensure we have the resources to continue our work.

Fighting poverty means nurturing the next generation of advocates, leaders and workers. People like our board member Fightress Aaron show us what is truly possible. A college degree helped Fightress emerge from poverty – and she’s using her education to advocate for her hometown.

As you consider how to invest your year-end contibutions, consider this: the need for charity will never cease until we create long-term change.  Your tax-deductible gift will mobilize Alabamians to end poverty.

DonationsTracker.com - Live Donations Tracking for our 2010 Year-End Fundraiser

Thank you for your support. With your help, it is possible to end poverty in Alabama.


Kristina Scott

Executive Director