May 21st, 2010
Imagine a state free of hunger. Impossible? Think again. We believe we can end hunger and food insecurity in Alabama if we all work together.
That’s why we’re hosting Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread: Feeding God’s Children – A Hunger and Food Security Workshop on June 22 in Mobile.
This is our third Hunger Workshop in the state, and the first time we’re taking our show on the road to South Alabama. We’re excited to connect with friends in the Mobile area and share resources we can all use to end hunger in our communities. We’ll present panels on local hunger ministries, government aid programs, and community gardening. The workshop is co-sponsored by the Alabama Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Alabama-West Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church, Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast, and the South Alabama Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church USA
Register today to reserve your spot! Cost is $15 and includes a light breakfast and lunch. The workshop will begin at 9 AM, with at-the-door registration open at 8:30, and will end at 1 PM. We will meet at Dauphin Way United Methodist Church. All are welcome! But we especially recommend the workshop for faith leaders, outreach ministers, social justice leaders, teachers, social workers, and members of the faith community who want to help feed their neighbors.