March 24th, 2010
One great result of this week’s health care overhaul is that 642,00 uninsured Alabamians will be eligible for health coverage.
The Birmingham News reported that when the legislation takes effect in 2014, 400,000 new Alabamians will be eligible for Medicaid. The coverage will now extend to people living at up to 133 percent of the poverty line – for a family of four, just $29, 327 a year. This is a 50 percent increase over previous Medicaid coverage in Alabama.
Medicaid covers children, pregnant women, seniors, and the disabled who are living in poverty. About 20 percent of our state receives Medicaid benefits already. This expansion will cover even more of our neighbors living in poverty.
Additionally, an estimated 242,000 Alabamians who are uninsured due to pre-existing medical conditions will be able to buy insurance through state-run exchanges.
Want to see how the health care reform legislation will affect you immediately? Check out this niftyinteractive graphic at the New York Times.
Posted by Robyn Hyden