
ACHE’s FAFSA Completion Portal

Thanks to the Alabama Commission on Higher Education (ACHE), schools across Alabama can gain access student-level FAFSA completion data as part of the FAFSA Completion Initiative. This data is essential to helping educators increase completion by tracking whether students have fully submitted their FAFSA and are not missing key information.

How to Access the Portal 

Public Schools that provide student enrollment data to the Alabama State Department of Education:

  • In order for a public school to access their students’ data, their district must complete and sign an agreement and send it to fafsa@ache.edu.
  • Once activated in the portal, all users submitted with the agreement will receive an email with log-in instructions.

Private, Parochial, Charter, and Statewide Schools 

  • Schools that do not provide student enrollment data to the Alabama State Department of Education must submit their student data to ACHE in order to match FAFSA completion data by student record.  
    • Step 1: Sign and Submit the Confidentiality and Use Agreement
    • Step 2: Compile Student Data
      • Schools should add the following information to an excel file for their 12th grade students: 
        • First Name
        • Middle Initial
        • Last Name
        • Social Security Number
        • Date of Birth
    • Step 3:  Call the Alabama Commission on Higher Education at 334.242.2211 to review file formatting and encryption instructions.