
An update to Tuesday’s post about climate change

October 29th, 2009 This article landed in my inbox today and I wanted to share it: Why Don’t More Americans Believe Climate Change Is Real? It is hard to convince people that climate change impacts vulnerable communities when they don’t believe in climate change to...

Alabama on another top 10 list: unemployment

October 29th, 2009 New unemployment numbers came out yesterday.  Alabama made the top 10 list – and I don’t mean that in a good way. Our employment rate hit 10.7 percent in September.  That’s the 10th worst unemployment rate in the country.  It is also nearly double...

Spread the Word on Family Tax Credits

October 19th, 2009 Federal tax credits give working families a chance to rise out of poverty – and they have been expanded this year, which makes them more valuable than ever. However, many families are not informed about programs they are eligible for as well as how...

A Burden to Working Families

October 19th, 2009 by Kristina Scott Special to The Anniston Star 10.18.09 – 02:57 am Like many Alabamians, Laura Williams is struggling to make ends meet. Laura (not her real name) is a client at Greater Birmingham Ministries, and she took out a payday loan to cover...

Senate Finance Committee Votes Yes

October 15th, 2009 The Senate Finance Committee finally took a vote on health care reform on Tuesday.  Thanks to an unexpected yes from Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME), the committee voted 14 to 9 in favor of the legislation, which aims to provide health insurance to...

50 in 52 Journey

October 14th, 2009 The 50 in 52 Journey is a journey to find people who are moving America forward.  Dafna Michaelson, a single mom from Colorado, is traveling to all 50 states in 52 weeks to meet America’s problem solvers and idea generators who are working to move...

Bring It Back Home Campaign

October 9th, 2009 Alabama’s widespread multi-generational poverty is rooted in our state’s 1901 constitution, which does not guarantee children the right to a public education, codifies an upside-down tax system that does not give the state the resources it needs to...

Temporary Improvement in Alabama Poverty

October 2nd, 2009 Alabama’s poverty rate dropped more than any other state’s in 2008 – but this improvement is likely to be temporary, given the state’s high rates of unemployment. Here’s a rundown from the Associated Press via the Tuscaloosa News: The numbers...