
Spotlight webcasts on education and poverty

July 14th, 2010 If you haven’t checked out the excellent Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity, we highly recommend it. They offer great resources on poverty in the U.S. Recently they posted these Spotlight discussions on education reform, educational equity, and...

Let’s end poverty. Step 1: vote

July 13th, 2010 Last week, we celebrated Independence Day by reflecting on the value of deliberative democracy. What better way to maintain our democracy than by exercising your right to vote? Today is the statewide primary runoff election, and your civic involvement...

What we’re reading: Broke USA

July 9th, 2010 Can you believe that any lender would charge 400 percent interest for a loan? Who would pay that – and why? These questions came to mind after I attended a Payday Lending Reform Coalition Meeting last month. To learn more about what author Gary Rivlin...