
January 5th, 2011

Dear friends,

Last month, we asked for your help to raise $4,465 so we could meet our $19,000 goal for donations from individuals and faith partners. (Above: some of our donors)

Well, not only did you come through with what we needed, you exceeded our goal by over $1,000! That’s right – we raised over $20,000. Wow.

Above: donors like you make our work possible!

Your gifts as individual and faith partners make us better equipped to do what we do every day, bringing you the events, tools and resources you use in your work fighting poverty. We are here to support, equip and inspire you. But you have done the same for us!

We are truly humbled and affirmed by your generosity.

Seriously, our donors rock.

We have faith that, with your continued support and partnership, we will see amazing things happening in 2011.

Thank you.

-The Alabama Poverty Project Staff & Board of Directors

Posted by Robyn Hyden