
March 2nd, 2010

What’s one of the biggest reasons more Alabamians don’t go to college? Paying for it.  Alabama has one of the country’s highest poverty rates at 16 percent, but the one of the lowest state budgets for need-based financial aid at just $3.35 million in 2004-05.

This means that low- and middle-income Alabamians have trouble accessing a college education.  Accordingly to the 2006 State of Education report, only 50.9 percent of low-income students and 61.4 percent of middle-income students enrolled in college immediately after high school.

What can we do to make college more affordable for everyone? At 4:30 PM (central), the White House is broadcasting a live Q & A chat on college affordability. (Watch it here.) Up for discussion will be theStudent Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act and the White House’s efforts to reform student lending.  We’ll be tracking this discussion closely.

Posted by Robyn Hyden