
November 2nd, 2009

The US Census Bureau is gearing up for next year’s big count and APP hopes that you and nonprofits that you support will get involved.

2010 Census data will determine how much federal funding Alabama receives, set priorities for infrastructure improvements and draw district lines for our elected representatives.

Low-income areas, immigrant neighborhoods, homeless individuals, minorities and the unemployed are most at risk for being under-counted.  And if a community is under-counted, it will also probably be under-funded and under-represented.

The Census is a survey sent to every household in the United States every ten years.  It is available in multiple languages and is a legally confidential document.

Here are some specific ways that you can get involved to make the 2010 Census a huge success in your community:

• Contact your local U.S. Census Bureau office and find out how to partner with them.

• Have educational materials readily available at your nonprofit, house of worship or other community center.

• Sponsor a campaign or event in your community to raise awareness.

• Become a Be Counted site or a Questionnaire Assistance Center.

• Provide links and information about the Census on your website or in your emails.

For more information, materials and ideas visit the Nonprofit Counts website at www.nonprofitscount.org.

Posted by Haley Heckman