October 14th, 2009

The 50 in 52 Journey is a journey to find people who are moving America forward.  Dafna Michaelson, a single mom from Colorado, is traveling to all 50 states in 52 weeks to meet America’s problem solvers and idea generators who are working to move America forward.

When Dafna came through Alabama last month, she talked with APP Executive Director Kristina Scott about her own journey to social justice work and about eradicating our state’s systemic poverty.

“When you do work in your home,” says Kristina, “you can see the changes happen.”

Check the whole thing out on You Tube here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hzdVIJU9IM

Posted by Patience Kleber

Fighting Poverty With Faith

October 13th, 2009

Climate change is a global phenomenon that wreaks havoc on people who live in poverty through increased risk of disease and poor air quality.   In addition, people who live in poverty depend more on natural resources and have limited access to health care.

To expand the national conversation on the need to create green pathways out of poverty, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs has dedicated the week of October 14-21 as a week for “Fighting Poverty with Faith.”

A free national conference call on October 14 will kick off the week of action.  The hour-long call will provide callers with the opportunity to hear from several national faith-based leaders, elected officials and local providers who are working to reduce poverty.  Speakers will provide an overview of the Fighting Poverty with Faith partnership, describe local outreach efforts and provide additional opportunities for you to advocate for good jobs and green jobs.

For more information regarding the conference call and events schedule, click here: www.fightingpovertywithfaith.com.

Posted by Patience Kleber