
December 31st, 2010

We need to raise $747 today.

You can help us fight poverty with a donation right now. Thanks to generous supporters like you, we’ve already reached 96% of our goal – and we need your help to reach the finish line!

Fighting poverty means nurturing the next generation of servant-leaders – people like Brendan Rice(above), a former Alabama Possible camper and intern. Brendan is organizing students from across the state to fight hunger, and he uses APP’s tools and resources to do it.

As you decide how to invest your year-end contibutions, consider this: the need for charity will never cease until we create long-term change.

DonationsTracker.com - Make a Donation to our 2010 Year-End Fundraiser

Thank you for your support. Together we have the power to end poverty in Alabama.


Kristina Scott

Executive Director

P.S. Track our progress at alabamapossible.org/fundraiser