
January 26th, 2010

Today’s Tuscaloosa News has a great editorial today challenging the Alabama Commission to Reduce Poverty (of which I am the vice chair) to set goals and work with the legislature to reduce poverty in Alabama.  I couldn’t agree with the News’ editorial board and Ms. Levin-Epstein more.

As the Bible says, we will always have the poor. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have a moral obligation to help the poor and minimize poverty wherever and whenever we can.

That was part of the message a national poverty reduction expert gave the Alabama Commission to Reduce Poverty at its second meeting in Montgomery this past week.

‘We should refuse to accept the perception that Alabama is always going to be poor,’ said Jodie Levin-Epstein, deputy director of the Center for Law and Social Policy based in Washington, D.C. ‘I believe the over-arching work of this commission is to not make it acceptable that Alabama is going to be at the bottom when it comes to poverty.’

Read the full text here.

Posted by: Kristina Scott