March 12th, 2010
Alabama’s unemployment rate just hit 11.8 percent, the highest in 26 years. Meanwhile, 41 percent of people claiming unemployment benefits have been jobless for over seven months. In these times of high unemployment, many households that were once making ends meet are now experiencing hunger or food insecurity, according to Feeding America’s 2010 Hunger Report.
Our partner Kathy McMullen of Greater Birmingham Ministries confirms these findings. “We are seeing a lot of people who have never sought assistance before. They are confused, they are scared, and they don’t know where to go,” she said.
The long-term unemployed are your neighbors, your fellow church members, and your friends – and they may now find themselves among the 13.3 percent of Alabamians who cannot afford an adequate, healthy diet.
Learn how you can help feed your neighbors by joining Give Us this Day Our Daily Bread: A Hunger and Food Security Workshop on March 18 at Capitol Heights Baptist Church in Montgomery. Experts on local food ministries, government aid programs, and community gardening will give you the inside knowledge you need to fight hunger and food insecurity in your community. Register now to reserve your spot!
Posted by Robyn Hyden