June 18th, 2010
The Mobile Press-Register posted a story today about the Bay Area Food Bank bringing emergency food assistance to South Alabama residents affected by the Gulf Coast oil disaster. Warning: watching a woman do a dance of gratitude at 1:10 after receiving a box of food is going to put a smile on your face and may bring tears to your eyes.
Bay Area Food Bank helps families hurt by oil spill |
Do you want to do more to address the crisis on the coast? Join us in Mobile next Tuesday, June 22 for Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread: A Hunger and Food Security Workshop. Christian faith leaders, outreach ministers, and community members from all over South Alabama will come together to discuss strategies to fight hunger by bringing resources to our friends and neighbors who are struggling. David Reaney of the Bay Area Food Bank will join us to talk about the emergency food distribution system, while representatives from Catholic Social Services and Angel Food Ministries will talk about food pantries and other affordable food options. We will also hear panels on community gardening and government aid. After we break bread together, we will discuss ways we can work together.
Our goal is to find solutions to meet both the short- and long-term needs of the 13.3% of Alabamians who are food insecure. With tragedy affecting many residents on the coast and hurricane season fast approaching, sustainable long-term solutions are more important than ever. By pooling our resources, sharing information, and building partnernships, we can make sure that aid gets to the communities who need it the most. Will you join us?
Register today to reserve your spot. $15 covers the cost of breakfast, lunch, and all materials. We look forward to visiting the coast and meeting all the hard-working, generous people who are banding together in this difficult time.
Posted by Robyn Hyden