Stay up-to-date with Alabama Possible events! Each event is open to the public but might also have an intended audience listed in the description. On-demand recordings can be found at
Date: Thursday, April 10, 2025
We are pleased to host our 5th Annual Virtual AlabamaCAN Spring Conference focused on “Uniting Pathways: Aligning Education and Workforce in Alabama.”
Alabama is showing its resolve to be a national frontrunner in workforce development with the creation of the new Department of Workforce. To succeed in this endeavor, education (K-12 and postsecondary), industry, and community organizations are coming together to most efficiently utilize resources. A key part of this conference is to spread information outside of our usual silos and create working partnerships across the state.
Presentations will encompass a variety of topics including postsecondary access & readiness; connecting college and career success; student success in postsecondary education; creating a purpose-filled culture and climate; and policy, advocacy and collective impact.
College and Career Decision Day
Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2025
Time: 10:30AM
Audience: High school counselors, career coaches, educators; community-based organizations; postsecondary access & success professionals
It’s time to celebrate your students’ next steps! College and Career Decision Day celebrates high school seniors committing to pursue education and training beyond high school, whether they’re enrolling in college, enlisting in the military, or joining the workforce. This workshop will discuss creative ways educators can celebrate the next steps of the Class of 2025. Register for the webinar HERE.
High school educators can claim professional development credit by visiting and using Course #322173, Section #510311.