
Alabama College Attainment Network

In support of Alabama’s Success Plus goal of adding 500,000 individuals with valuable postsecondary credentials to the state’s workforce by 2025, Alabama Possible launched Alabama College Attainment Network (AlabamaCAN) in October 2020. The founding members of the network are Alabama Commission on Higher Education, Alabama Community College System, and Alabama State Department of Education with Alabama Possible providing the backbone support.

Regional College Attainment Networks

To further support our AlabamaCAN partners, Regional College Attainment Networks are being established in every workforce region across the state to bridge the gap between education and workforce development.

2024 Virtual AlabamaCAN Conference

Alabama College Attainment Network (AlabamaCAN) held its 4th annual Virtual AlabamaCAN Spring 2024 Conference on April 10, 2024. The theme of the Conference was Forging Forward: Enhancing Postsecondary Attainment to Fulfill Workforce Needs featuring advocate, attorney, author, and well-renowned speaker Liz Huntley as the keynote speaker.

In 2018, Alabama set a statewide attainment goal of adding 500,000 Alabamians with valuable postsecondary credential to the workforce by 2025. We are almost running out of time to meet that goal! The time for planning is done; now is the time to intentionally put into action initiatives that would actively support individuals towards this goal of postsecondary attainment while ensuring their career pathways are in the forefront.


4th annual Virtual AlabamaCAN Spring 2024 Conference
Main Stage Speakers


Presenters led sessions in the following tracks:

Postsecondary Access and Readiness
-Dual enrollment and early college opportunities
-Postsecondary access strategies
-Creating a college-going culture in K-12 schools

Connecting College and Career Success
-Apprenticeships and work-based learning
-Stackable credentials
-Benefits of prior learning assessment
-Career and technical education opportunities

Student Success in Postsecondary Education
-Mental health and wellness
-Minimizing first-year dropouts using programming
-Enrolling and retaining adult learners
-Supporting incarcerated individuals returning to education
-Success strategies for under-resourced students, i.e. students of color, first-generation students, etc.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)
-DEIB strategies for effective communication
-DEIB practices within your organization as well as for those you serve
-Eradicating preconceived biases from guiding the decision-making process

Policy, Advocacy, and Collective Impact
-The role and impact of student voices in advocating for effective policy change
-Impact of effective cross-sector collaborations for systems change

Conference correspondences should be sent to info@alabamapossible.org.

We hosted the 3rd Annual Alabama College Attainment Network (AlabamaCAN) Virtual Conference, on Tuesday, April 11, 2023.

We are super excited to announce 297 people registered for the conference, which included 16 sessions and 31 statewide as well as national presenters. The sessions were filled with shared-learning and innovative strategies demonstrating an urgency in creating formidable support system for every student navigating postsecondary pathways.

This year’s theme was Changing the Narrative: Bridging Postsecondary Attainment and Workforce.
The topics for presentations include:
  • Postsecondary Access and Readiness
  • Connecting College and Career Success
  • Student Success in Postsecondary Education
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)
  • Policy, Advocacy, and Collective Impact

The virtual conference was sponsored by Lumina Foundation and lunch vouchers made possible by AT&T.

The Alabama College Attainment Network breaks down barriers to increase college readiness, access, and completion in Alabama, particularly among students of under-resourced families, first-generation college-going students, and students of color.

Alabama has come together as a state around the Success Plus initiative and its target of adding 500,000 highly-skilled workers by 2025; however, linkages between K-12 and postsecondary education opportunities remain fragmented. Alabama Possible is working with the National College Attainment Network to convene a statewide network focused on the transition from high school to and through postsecondary education.

By promoting educational pathways that result in valuable postsecondary credentials, our goal is to make the transition from high school to gainful and meaningful employment a reality for Alabama’s youth. As the convener of this statewide network, Alabama Possible aims to provide capacity building, technical assistance, consulting, workshops, training, conferences, advocacy, and research to educators, community-based organizations, and policymakers to drive equitable increases in postsecondary attainment.

Interested in learning more? The first step is to complete the landscape analysis. Then, fill out our Memoranda of Understanding to become a partner in the work. Here is a list of our current Partners. Partners can access meeting recordings here.

Check out our Alabama College Attainment Network Launch!


To increase college and career readiness, access, and completion in Alabama, particularly among low-income students, first-generation college-going students, and students of color.


      • College is postsecondary education. College is education after high school that results in the attainment of valuable postsecondary credentials, including professional/technical certificates and academic degrees.
      • College is a necessity. Most career pathways require college credentials.
      • College is for everyone. College attainment rates among low-income students and students of color are significantly lower than those of other students. The Alabama College Attainment Network commits to closing these gaps.
      • College is a public good. Postsecondary educational opportunity and attainment are critical to a just and equitable society, strong economy, and healthy communities.

The first Steering Committee meeting - News on the project Accountability of the Judicial System

Alabama College Attainment Network Steering Committee Members

Robin McGill, Alabama Commission on Higher Education, Chair 

Brandon Glover, Alabama Power Foundation​, Co-Chair 

Anthonia Adadevoh, Miles College 

Briana Morton/Thomasyne Hill, College Admissions Made Possible 

Cynthia Anthony, Lawson State Community College 

Ashley Samuels, Birmingham Education Foundation 

Kelly Savoie, Sallie Mae 

Hallie Bradley, Alabama Power Foundation 

Michael Malley, Ed Policy Center at the University of Alabama 

Monica Mack, Alabama State Department of Education 

Neil Scott, Alabama Community College System 

Nick Moore, Governor’s Office of Education and Workforce Transformation 

Ron Houston, Houston Resource Group  

Ron Leonard, Alabama Commission on Higher Education 

Samantha Briggs, GearUp Alabama 

Sara Newell, United Way/Bold Goals 

Sean Stevens, Alabama State Department of Education 

Tim McCartney, Alabama Workforce Council 

Willietta Connor, Alabama State Department of Education 

Venus Hewing, CEOE, Auburn University 

Victoria Perry, Bishop State Community College  


Backbone Support 

Chandra Scott, Alabama Possible 

Manisha Mishra, Alabama Possible 



MorraLee Keller, National College Attainment Network