Alabama Possible’s AmeriCorpsVISTA works with our college access and success programs, including Blueprints College Success Initiative and Cash for College. Alabama Possible works to increase educational equity by increasing the number of Alabama students who pursue and complete a college education, particularly among low-income students, first-generation college-going students, and students of color.
We define “college” as the attainment of valuable postsecondary credentials beyond high school, including professional/technical certificates and academic degrees, and we take a three-pronged approach:
1. Teaming individual high school students with near-peer college student mentors to complete college-going milestones using the Blueprints curriculum;
2. Building a school-wide college-going culture by raising expectations for student success and supporting all students with resources and relationships necessary to pursue their education after high school through activities like financial aid workshops and college fairs at individual high schools; and
3. Nurturing cross-sector partnerships with school systems, higher education institutions, and other like-minded community organizations to fill gaps rather than duplicate services.
Member Duties: Members will coordinate educational sessions; build and nurture partnerships with community stakeholders, faith communities, and higher education institutions; engage an active electronic network by using social networking tools; research and develop funding opportunities for organizational sustainability; and assist with media outreach strategy. Requirements: • Strong communication & organization skills • Self-motivation, innovation, and patience • Bachelors degree or higher • Computer literate and comfortable with the Mac operating system • Valid driver’s license and reliable vehicle • Preference is given to applicants with experience serving low-income communities
Program Benefits: Living allowance, choice of education award or end of service stipend, health coverage, relocation allowance, training, childcare assistance if eligible.
To apply: send your cover letter, resume and transcript (unofficial is fine) to Applications are due by January 5, 2017.