
February 6th, 2013


Taylor Bell is a senior sociology major at APP Cornerstone Member Samford University. He is a native of Louisville, Kentucky and is in his fourth year volunteering as a tutor and mentor with APP Faith PartnerBaptist Church of the Covenant’s Leadership Southtown program.

We recently sat down with Taylor for an introductory conversation. Here’s what he had to say:

You are in the final semester of your career at Samford. Why did you choose to study sociology?

“I chose sociology because of my genuine passion for understanding both society and how we as individuals find our place within it. Coupled with my passion for justice and equality, I find sociology a means to further understanding why society is structured the way it is, and most important how we can fix it. The ‘human element’ is always presenting us with new opportunities of study.”

How did you get involved with Alabama Possible?

“I got involved with Alabama Possible because I needed an internship for my spring semester. I found out about APP and connected to the staff through Mrs. Cassandra Adams, the Director of Cumberland School of Law’s Mediation Center and Public Interest Project. I pursued the opportunity to intern at APP because I believe in their mission of combating systemic poverty.”

You have lived in Birmingham for four years now. What are some of your favorite places in the city?

“I love Saw’s BBQ, especially the one in Avondale. I also enjoy Urban Standard or O’Henry’s for a cup of coffee and Mountain Brook for a good run.”

Are you reading any books right now?

“I just finished Paul Tillich’s Dynamics of Faith for my ‘Theories of Faith Development’ course.  Tillich’s premise is that faith is central to who we are; no one can be faithless.”

What is your favorite movie?

“It is a tie between ‘Saving Private Ryan’ and ‘The Soloist.’”

What is one issue in Birmingham that you would like to see changed?

“The huge disparities among the Birmingham metro area’s public schools.”