
March 26th, 2010

We believe social justice is a key part of Christ’s teachings, and that by working together for systemic change, we can end poverty.

If you believe in the Social Gospel, please join us for Alabama Possible, a social justice and anti-poverty conference we’re hosting at Samford on Saturday, April 24.

  • Worship with the Emergent Cohort and Worship at Workplay’s Daniel Bashta
  • Hear from Wayne Flynt, the conscience of Alabama
  • Participate in a poverty simulation
  • Learn how to build relationships with those you serve
  • Connect with ministry opportunities in the Birmingham area

Who should join us? Anyone who needs a deeper understanding of the poverty in our state, who yearns to understand how scripture calls you to act, or wants to be equipped with the tools to transform Alabama.

We challenge you: join the Alabama Possible movement. Be the change you have been waiting for.

Buy tickets and register today – AlabamaPossible.org/RSVP